
Showing posts from January, 2018

What has leadership got to do with ‘being a servant’?

Well, by now I’m sure you must’ve understood about the topic of the post and what it is all about – servant leadership of course! One of the attributes of a scrum master is “being a servant leader”. But what are the attributes/actions that qualify a scrum master to be called a servant leader. Let’s look at some of them below – Serving others and not yourself; in other words, selfless management of team members Being a servant means you do not or should not command others. On a lighter note, does your housecleaner/household help ever give you instructions regarding what to do? No right?   Let go of the command and control that our traditional managers are used to exercise as part of their role, in your journey to become a scrum master.   Leading by example & helping people develop and perform as high as possible Think of the Scrum Master as a personal trainer who helps you stick with an exercise regimen and perform all exercises with the correct fo...