Self-organization prior to the advent of “Agile as a mindset”

I start this blogpost with a visual illustration of what I had seen and captured in my "then new" Nikon D750 (Full Frame) , as an excellent real-life example of self-organization. Picture credit: "Lightnlens Fotographie" by Jasdev Singh| Web: Self-organization , also called spontaneous order (in the social sciences ), is a process - where some form of "overall order " arises from local interactions between parts of an "initially disordered " system . The process is spontaneous , NOT needing control by any external agent. Trigger for self-organization: It's often triggered by random fluctuations , amplified by positive feedback . The resulting organization is wholly decentralized and distributed over all the components of the system. Such an organization is typically robust and is able to survive or self-repair substantial perturbation. “Collective animal behavior ” is a form ...