Self-organization: social facilitation and the allelomimetic behavior
I n my earlier post , I discussed about self-organization/spontaneous order as a process, its trigger and the result of self-organization. In this process of self-organization, I also mentioned about "collective animal behavior" and the emergent properties of groups formed as an outcome of this behavior. In this post, I go further to discuss about the formation of this group of animals and what's so special about it in a "non-homosapien" context. Allelomimesis: The act of any groups of animals swarming together in unison appearing as one m ulti-individual creature is a behavioral process known as ' allelomimesis '. The flight pattern emerging out of self-organization has multi-fold advantages for birds: The most obvious being that since each bird is slightly behind the next, all the birds can see the lead bird, and the bird immediately in front and to the side, allowing them to coordinate their flight paths and not cr...